My sisters and their families are in town. And we thought we'd go for a ramble through Amish country for old times sake. And as we are driving through the vast acreage of crops and cattle, I was again reminded of just how unique my corner (yes, I'm calling it mine) of this country really is. While the buggies and the tourists who crawl along watching the buggies drive me crazy, I love my home and love that my children get to daily witness Old World mingling with New.
So I thought I'd share a few shots of our Lancaster County adventure with you all.
This lovely pic was taken by my other sis Sarah. |

love the pictures....I miss living close to an Amish area. Have fun in Ireland...looking forward to seeing what you share.
Loved the pictures. If any of the folks pictured are Yoders ;) they're probably kin. Have an awesome adventure in Ireland and be safe :)